Monday, December 7, 2009

Episode 12, Part 2: Like Father, Like Son (or maybe not)

Chuck was having his own issues last night because it was the anniversary of his father’s death. Chuck sees visions of his father talking to him. His father repeatedly tells him how weak and soft he is. Chuck tries to push Blair away and be tough. Blair repeatedly tries to take care of him, but he won’t let her.

Maureen has the letter that Lily meant to put in her coat pocket, but accidently put it in Maureen’s coat pocket from the last episode. The letter is proof that Lily was staying with her ex-husband, Serena’s father. We can only assume that she was having an affair with him. Lily has been acting strange, and Rufus thinks its because it is the anniversary of Bart’s death. Poor Rufus, after all Lily and he have been through!

In the end of the episode Maureen gives the letter to Rufus. Chuck also tells Blair he won’t shut her out. Blair tells Chuck how much he has grown up and that he can share his feelings now. I really liked Chuck in this episode. He acted very sincere and open. I am very disappointed in Lily though. I can’t believe she really had an affair! She and Rufus recently got married, and I thought he was the love of her life!

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