Monday, December 7, 2009

Episode 12, Part 1: Bad Romance

In my opinion, last night’s GG was one of the best episodes of the season! It was full of drama and suspense, but also love. The first scene shown was Trip and Serena getting in a car crash. But then “12 hours earlier” appears on the screen and the viewers get to see what happened leading up to the crash. Serena is staying with Trip, but he leaves her alone to supposedly go meet with his grandfather all day. Then Maureen, Trip’s wife, comes in and tells Serena that she can be Trip’s mistress as long as Maureen stays Trip’s wife. Serena freaks out, as she should have, realizes that Trip has lied to her and tries to leave. Trip comes and they get in a wreck. Trip calls 911, but moves Serena’s body to look like she was the one driving. He then runs away.

Nate arrives and discovers that Trip had moved Serena’s body. He confronts Trip outside the hospital and then proceeds to punch him out! Haha. I am so glad Nate stood up for Serena. He really is her knight in shining armor; she just hasn’t realized it yet. I hope this relationship between Serena and Trip is completely over now.

Dan finally told Vanessa that he loves her. She replies that she loves him too and that sometimes when something shocking or sad happens, such as Serena’s car accident, people don’t really mean what they say. Then she gets up and walks away. Better luck next time, Dan!

1 comment:

  1. This episode kept me on the edge of my seat the whole hour. I wish Nate would've punched Trip even harder. He is scum. Maybe Serena will finally take Nate up on his offer...yay!!!
