Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Episode 11, Part 1: Love or Lust on the Upper East Side?

Chuck: [to Nate] “Tell her how you feel. Give her a chance to be with a guy who does deserve her.”

Last night’s episode of Gossip Girl had a lot of stuff going on! I always love the Thanksgiving and Christmas episodes of GG and this year’s Thanksgiving episode did not let me down. Serena and Trip are really pushing the boundaries in their relationship. Trip tells Serena he is leaving Maureen. Trip wants to spend Thanksgiving with Serena so Serena tells her mom that Trip has her working in a soup kitchen on Thanksgiving. But then Lily runs into Maureen, Trip’s wife, and Lily invites them all over for Thanksgiving. Chuck, Blair, Mrs. Waldorf, Dorota, Vanessa, and Vanessa’s mother are also there. Serena also invited Nate to Thanksgiving. Nate is trying to stop Serena from being with Trip. He gets the tape of Serena and Trip’s make out session in Chuck’s hotel elevator and shows it to Maureen. Maureen freaks out, Lily sees the tape, and Serena promises to stay away from Trip.

Serena and Blair make up and Serena decides to go to Paris with Blair and Mrs. Waldorf. But when she is getting her passport out of the safe, she finds a letter from her father. Serena’s father had tried to contact her and her mother had never given her the letter. Trip asks Serena if she will leave with him and she says yes.

Nate is so upset, since he is the one that loves Serena. Chuck tells him to go tell Serena how he feels. Nate runs out to Trip’s car and pleads with Serena not to go with Trip. Of course, Serena goes. Poor Nate! I really want Nate and Serena to get together. I have no idea why Serena would leave with Trip, when she has someone like Nate who loves her. She isn’t even sure if Trip loves her or not, or if he is even going to divorce his wife.

1 comment:

  1. She should have picked Nate!! I mean, seriously?! How can you turn down Chase Crawford...what a shame.
