Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Episode 11, Part 2: Holiday Drama

Gabriela: I can't believe I didn't see this until now.
Dan: See what?
Gabriela: You're in love with her. It's all over your face.

There was an awful lot of drama at the Thanksgiving table on last night’s Gossip Girl. Jenny and Eric are fighting because Blair told Jenny that Eric was the one that tried to sabotage her Cotillion. Rufus invites Cece, Lily’s mother, to Thanksgiving and realizes that Lily lied to him and stayed with Cece for months longer than she was supposed to. Cece asks Lily if she told Rufus about the trip? I wonder what trip Lily was on when she was supposed to be with her mother or with Rufus? Maybe she went to visit Serena’s father and maybe that’s why Serena’s father finally sent Serena a letter.

Blair finds and envelope that deals with changing her mother’s will. She then sees Dorota with a bag and in it were pregnancy tests! Blair thinks her mother is pregnant and that’s why she is changing her will. At Thanksgiving she confronts her mother and her mother says that she’s not pregnant, but that she and Cyrus are moving to Paris full-time. Blair asks, “So who is pregnant?” Just then Dorota walks by and Blair and her mother realize that it is Dorota who is pregnant, and that is why she hasn’t been talking to her boyfriend Vanya, the Van der Woodsen’s concierge.

Dan invites Vanessa’s mother to Thanksgiving dinner. Vanessa is annoyed with her mother, and always feels like she is not good enough for her. Vanessa’s mother confronts Dan and says that Dan is in love with Vanessa. Apparently Dan keeps giving Vanessa this “face” that means he loves her. In my opinion his “face of love” just looks dumb. Vanessa’s mother also tells Dan not to break Vanessa’s heart and to only tell her his feelings if he really means it. He chickens out and Vanessa goes and meets another guy for drinks.

1 comment:

  1. i could'nt believe that Serena had an affair with that congressman! ahhhhhh
