Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Jenny Full of Grace Promo

Here is the promo for the next episode of GG. But remember, it will not air for six weeks because Gossip Girl is taking a break while a new show airs in its place. This episode looks like it might be the most exciting episode yet. Take a look at the promo and see what you think.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Blake Lively (Serena) in upcoming movie: The Private Lives of Pippa Lee

Both Blake(Serena) and boyfriend Penn Badgley(Dan) have been in movies this year. Penn was in The Stepfather, which came out a few months ago. Here is the movie trailer for Blake Lively's new movie, The Private Lives of Pippa Lee. The release date is in July. I don't know if I would want to see this movie, but i'm into more light-hearted movies and comedies. This movie looks pretty weighty. But, Blake seems like she has a pretty big role.

Episode 12, Part 2: Like Father, Like Son (or maybe not)

Chuck was having his own issues last night because it was the anniversary of his father’s death. Chuck sees visions of his father talking to him. His father repeatedly tells him how weak and soft he is. Chuck tries to push Blair away and be tough. Blair repeatedly tries to take care of him, but he won’t let her.

Maureen has the letter that Lily meant to put in her coat pocket, but accidently put it in Maureen’s coat pocket from the last episode. The letter is proof that Lily was staying with her ex-husband, Serena’s father. We can only assume that she was having an affair with him. Lily has been acting strange, and Rufus thinks its because it is the anniversary of Bart’s death. Poor Rufus, after all Lily and he have been through!

In the end of the episode Maureen gives the letter to Rufus. Chuck also tells Blair he won’t shut her out. Blair tells Chuck how much he has grown up and that he can share his feelings now. I really liked Chuck in this episode. He acted very sincere and open. I am very disappointed in Lily though. I can’t believe she really had an affair! She and Rufus recently got married, and I thought he was the love of her life!

Episode 12, Part 1: Bad Romance

In my opinion, last night’s GG was one of the best episodes of the season! It was full of drama and suspense, but also love. The first scene shown was Trip and Serena getting in a car crash. But then “12 hours earlier” appears on the screen and the viewers get to see what happened leading up to the crash. Serena is staying with Trip, but he leaves her alone to supposedly go meet with his grandfather all day. Then Maureen, Trip’s wife, comes in and tells Serena that she can be Trip’s mistress as long as Maureen stays Trip’s wife. Serena freaks out, as she should have, realizes that Trip has lied to her and tries to leave. Trip comes and they get in a wreck. Trip calls 911, but moves Serena’s body to look like she was the one driving. He then runs away.

Nate arrives and discovers that Trip had moved Serena’s body. He confronts Trip outside the hospital and then proceeds to punch him out! Haha. I am so glad Nate stood up for Serena. He really is her knight in shining armor; she just hasn’t realized it yet. I hope this relationship between Serena and Trip is completely over now.

Dan finally told Vanessa that he loves her. She replies that she loves him too and that sometimes when something shocking or sad happens, such as Serena’s car accident, people don’t really mean what they say. Then she gets up and walks away. Better luck next time, Dan!

Blake Lively (Serena) hosts SNL

Blake Lively, who plays Serena on Gossip Girl, was the host on SNL last weekend. The skit deals with the current Tiger Woods scandal. I thought this video was hilarious. But some say this video makes light of domestic violence, and is inappropriate. I know that it is wrong to undermine the fact that domestic violence is a serious issue. But this isn't Blake's fault, so here's to our ever dramatic, Gossip Girl, Blake!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Next Week's Episode 12 Preview

Above is the promo for next week's episode of Gossip Girl called "The Departed." It looks like it will be really interesting. Serena and Trip are obviously still to gether. It looks like they will be in a car wreck - I hope they are both going to be okay. Also, it looks like Trip's wife Maureen will try to blackmail Serena with the letter from Serena's father. Remember how Maureen and Lily were wearng matching coats on Thanksgiving? I bet that Lily put the letter in Maureen's coat mistakingly. Also in the promo you saw Nate punch Trip. Go Nate! Someone needs to stand up for Serena.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Episode 11, Part 2: Holiday Drama

Gabriela: I can't believe I didn't see this until now.
Dan: See what?
Gabriela: You're in love with her. It's all over your face.

There was an awful lot of drama at the Thanksgiving table on last night’s Gossip Girl. Jenny and Eric are fighting because Blair told Jenny that Eric was the one that tried to sabotage her Cotillion. Rufus invites Cece, Lily’s mother, to Thanksgiving and realizes that Lily lied to him and stayed with Cece for months longer than she was supposed to. Cece asks Lily if she told Rufus about the trip? I wonder what trip Lily was on when she was supposed to be with her mother or with Rufus? Maybe she went to visit Serena’s father and maybe that’s why Serena’s father finally sent Serena a letter.

Blair finds and envelope that deals with changing her mother’s will. She then sees Dorota with a bag and in it were pregnancy tests! Blair thinks her mother is pregnant and that’s why she is changing her will. At Thanksgiving she confronts her mother and her mother says that she’s not pregnant, but that she and Cyrus are moving to Paris full-time. Blair asks, “So who is pregnant?” Just then Dorota walks by and Blair and her mother realize that it is Dorota who is pregnant, and that is why she hasn’t been talking to her boyfriend Vanya, the Van der Woodsen’s concierge.

Dan invites Vanessa’s mother to Thanksgiving dinner. Vanessa is annoyed with her mother, and always feels like she is not good enough for her. Vanessa’s mother confronts Dan and says that Dan is in love with Vanessa. Apparently Dan keeps giving Vanessa this “face” that means he loves her. In my opinion his “face of love” just looks dumb. Vanessa’s mother also tells Dan not to break Vanessa’s heart and to only tell her his feelings if he really means it. He chickens out and Vanessa goes and meets another guy for drinks.

Episode 11, Part 1: Love or Lust on the Upper East Side?

Chuck: [to Nate] “Tell her how you feel. Give her a chance to be with a guy who does deserve her.”

Last night’s episode of Gossip Girl had a lot of stuff going on! I always love the Thanksgiving and Christmas episodes of GG and this year’s Thanksgiving episode did not let me down. Serena and Trip are really pushing the boundaries in their relationship. Trip tells Serena he is leaving Maureen. Trip wants to spend Thanksgiving with Serena so Serena tells her mom that Trip has her working in a soup kitchen on Thanksgiving. But then Lily runs into Maureen, Trip’s wife, and Lily invites them all over for Thanksgiving. Chuck, Blair, Mrs. Waldorf, Dorota, Vanessa, and Vanessa’s mother are also there. Serena also invited Nate to Thanksgiving. Nate is trying to stop Serena from being with Trip. He gets the tape of Serena and Trip’s make out session in Chuck’s hotel elevator and shows it to Maureen. Maureen freaks out, Lily sees the tape, and Serena promises to stay away from Trip.

Serena and Blair make up and Serena decides to go to Paris with Blair and Mrs. Waldorf. But when she is getting her passport out of the safe, she finds a letter from her father. Serena’s father had tried to contact her and her mother had never given her the letter. Trip asks Serena if she will leave with him and she says yes.

Nate is so upset, since he is the one that loves Serena. Chuck tells him to go tell Serena how he feels. Nate runs out to Trip’s car and pleads with Serena not to go with Trip. Of course, Serena goes. Poor Nate! I really want Nate and Serena to get together. I have no idea why Serena would leave with Trip, when she has someone like Nate who loves her. She isn’t even sure if Trip loves her or not, or if he is even going to divorce his wife.