Monday, November 9, 2009

Episode 9, Part 1: Coming Out On Top

Should Jenny wave the white flag or keep fighting?

This episode of Gossip Girl was completely centered on Jenny Humphrey. She was dying to make her début at the Debutante Ball with the perfect date (Graham). Graham texts Jenny asking if she still needs a date and Eric texts him back saying that Jenny already has a date. Eric wanted his boyfriend to go with Jenny because he sees that Jenny is changing and also because he says Graham is a creep (apparently Graham and Eric went to the same summer camp and Graham did something scandalous). Jenny finds out and calls Graham. It seems as though she is going to be escorted by Graham. Then another girl’s name is called and the announcer says she is being escorted by Graham. Jenny doesn’t even get to walk on the stage. But, awhile later the announcer calls Jenny up on stage with her date (Nate Van der Bilt). Jenny is now the Queen of the ball for having a date like Nate.

I am completely on Jenny’s side in this episode. How could Blair and Eric try to ruin the one chance she gets to come out into society? I’m glad Nate helped Jenny out once again. He is always there when she needs him! I’m glad that Jenny could prove to all her enemies that she can be on top even when they try to ruin her. She showed that she had a strength that the back-stabbing friends of her didn’t. She didn’t need Graham as a date when she could get Nate.

1 comment:

  1. I think that what Blair and Eric did was wrong but I still feel like Jenny has changed in alot of ways. She seems more shallow and I think that sometimes people do need to be taught a lesson. However, in this case Jenny outsmarted everyone and taught Blair and Eric a lesson: "Don't ever mess with Jenny Humphrey." -Taylor-
