Thursday, November 5, 2009

Episode 8, Part 2: Blair vs. Serena

Politics and S and B’s Cold War…

During Tripp’s election party Blair and Serena get into somewhat of a cold war. Serena is still “dating” Patrick Roberts. Blair says she doesn’t want to be friends with Serena anymore so she tries to find a new friend to take to the election party. At the party, Blair shows up with a new friend from NYU who knows all of the politicians. Patrick Roberts gets drunk and Blair has him escorted out, but not before he tells Serena that Blair’s new BFF is a high priced call girl. So Serena gets her escorted out. Blair calls Serena a prostitute for getting paid to date Patrick Roberts and Serena pushes her into the cake! Blair and Serena are obviously still very mature (just kidding)!

I am really sick of Blair and Serena always being in a fight, and when they aren’t fighting (which is unusual) then they are competing with each other. It might be easier if Blair and Serena aren’t friends, but the show wouldn’t be as good. I they will become friends again within the next few episodes.

Another strange thing that happened during the election night was the heart-to-heart between Tripp and Serena when the election was over. I definitely sense something between them!

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