Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Episode 10, Part 2: Who will be the men for J and S?

Love doesn’t make the world go round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile. –Franklin P. Jones

Serena is trying to avoid Trip and do the right thing by staying away from him because he is married. She asks Nate for help (he would know about her situation since he had an affair with a married woman). Nate tries to keep Serena away from Tripp so they hang out and then get drunk together. Nate tells Serena that he loved her and tried to tell her two years previously. He leans in to kiss her… and Trip walks in. He tells Serena that his wife, Maureen was responsible for the Hudson River hoax that won him the election. Trip says he doesn’t trust Maureen anymore. Serena leaves with Trip and Nate tries to stop her saying, “If you go with him now you’re going to cross the line.” Serena replies, “But the line just got a little blurry.”

Meanwhile, Jenny is trying to find a date for the horticultural society ball. Damien, a diplomat that Chuck was supposed to show around New York, walks in with Chuck. Lily suggests that Jenny be the one to show him around. Damien starts playing with the remote-control sailboats in the pond and Jenny is getting annoyed. But then she realizes that it was a means for Damien to deal drugs. That night Jenny goes with Damien to a club, where she actually participates in the drug deal, handing over money to Damien and the dealer. Chuck walks in and takes Jenny home, as well as kicking Damien out of his hotel. Chuck warns Jenny about getting caught up with a dangerous drug dealer. She doesn’t seem worried at all.

I think that Jenny thinks it seems adventurous and fun to be with a dangerous guy like Damien, but she doesn’t realize how badly things could end. I’m worried about Jenny and her judgment. As for Serena, she is old enough to know better than to get involved with a married man. I personally don’t think that she should get involved with Trip, but I think she should go for Nate. He finally got to say that he really loved her and couldn’t get over her after the wedding three years previously.

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