Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Episode 10, Part 1: Consequences

“Two is company, but three is a crowd”

Dan, Olivia, and Vanessa have some major issues to work out. Dan is feeling really good, acting like he is on top of the world. Nate asks him, “How stupid can you be?” This is exactly what I was thinking. How can Dan not realize that he can’t have both Olivia and Vanessa?

Dan makes plans with Vanessa to see Morrissey live. When Olivia hears this she plans for Dan to write a play for his application to the playwriting program at Tisch. Blair wants to get in on this too and says she will produce the play. Dan wants to include Vanessa, so he lets her be the director. This infuriates both Olivia and Blair. The play is Snow White featuring songs by Lady Gaga. They perform the play, with Olivia leaving and Vanessa having to fill in for her, as Snow White, in the kissing scene. Dan asks Olivia what the problem is and Olivia tells him that the problem is with him. Olivia says that Dan won’t admit it, but he is in love with Vanessa.

Olivia is leaving to work on a new movie and Vanessa tells Dan she has no romantic feelings for him. Dan had two girls, now he has none. I want Dan and Vanessa to get together, because now Dan has feelings for Vanessa and Vanessa has always had feelings for Dan. But currently, I’m glad that Olivia and Vanessa have both rejected Dan. His ego needed a bit of a check.

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