Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Gossip Girl Episode Spoilers

There will not be a new episode of Gossip Girl next week, so I’m posting some spoilers about upcoming episodes. Here are the following spoilers:

1. According to Gossip Girl Insider, they received a tip from someone who took a picture on their phone of a scene from the set of episode 13, called “Jenny, Full of Grace.” The picture is of Serena and Nate kissing! The picture was really grainy and hard to see but it was definitely our beloved S and N! This wouldn’t be too surprising because on last night’s episode Nate finally told Serena that he loved her and he couldn’t get over her after what happened between them three years previously.

2. Another interesting thing that will be going on this season will happen when Serena’s father sends her a letter! Apparently, Rufus and Lily’s relationship will be rocky because of this letter. I wonder what Serena’s father said and why he decided to get in touch will Serena after he avoided her for so long.

3. There will also be the weird return of Bart Bass, Chuck’s deceased father, that is rumored to be like something from A Christmas Carol. Is Bart Bass the Ghost of Father’s Past? This episode will probably be in January, since the six week break from Gossip Girl will happen over Christmas.

Leighton Meester's (aka. Blair) New Music Video

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Leighton Meester is trying to pursue a career in singing. Since she was featured in "Good Girls Go Bad" by Cobra Starship, she has released a new single "Somebody to Love." The song and music video features Robin Thicke. I honestly don't like this music video. I think it seems kind of trashy(i'm not even really sure this is appropriate to post), even with the clothing that is supposed to look sophisticated. I am so used to seeing Leighton Meester as Blair Waldorf on Gossip Girl, where she acts refined and classy. But in this video she acts slightly risqué.

Episode 10, Part 2: Who will be the men for J and S?

Love doesn’t make the world go round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile. –Franklin P. Jones

Serena is trying to avoid Trip and do the right thing by staying away from him because he is married. She asks Nate for help (he would know about her situation since he had an affair with a married woman). Nate tries to keep Serena away from Tripp so they hang out and then get drunk together. Nate tells Serena that he loved her and tried to tell her two years previously. He leans in to kiss her… and Trip walks in. He tells Serena that his wife, Maureen was responsible for the Hudson River hoax that won him the election. Trip says he doesn’t trust Maureen anymore. Serena leaves with Trip and Nate tries to stop her saying, “If you go with him now you’re going to cross the line.” Serena replies, “But the line just got a little blurry.”

Meanwhile, Jenny is trying to find a date for the horticultural society ball. Damien, a diplomat that Chuck was supposed to show around New York, walks in with Chuck. Lily suggests that Jenny be the one to show him around. Damien starts playing with the remote-control sailboats in the pond and Jenny is getting annoyed. But then she realizes that it was a means for Damien to deal drugs. That night Jenny goes with Damien to a club, where she actually participates in the drug deal, handing over money to Damien and the dealer. Chuck walks in and takes Jenny home, as well as kicking Damien out of his hotel. Chuck warns Jenny about getting caught up with a dangerous drug dealer. She doesn’t seem worried at all.

I think that Jenny thinks it seems adventurous and fun to be with a dangerous guy like Damien, but she doesn’t realize how badly things could end. I’m worried about Jenny and her judgment. As for Serena, she is old enough to know better than to get involved with a married man. I personally don’t think that she should get involved with Trip, but I think she should go for Nate. He finally got to say that he really loved her and couldn’t get over her after the wedding three years previously.

Episode 10, Part 1: Consequences

“Two is company, but three is a crowd”

Dan, Olivia, and Vanessa have some major issues to work out. Dan is feeling really good, acting like he is on top of the world. Nate asks him, “How stupid can you be?” This is exactly what I was thinking. How can Dan not realize that he can’t have both Olivia and Vanessa?

Dan makes plans with Vanessa to see Morrissey live. When Olivia hears this she plans for Dan to write a play for his application to the playwriting program at Tisch. Blair wants to get in on this too and says she will produce the play. Dan wants to include Vanessa, so he lets her be the director. This infuriates both Olivia and Blair. The play is Snow White featuring songs by Lady Gaga. They perform the play, with Olivia leaving and Vanessa having to fill in for her, as Snow White, in the kissing scene. Dan asks Olivia what the problem is and Olivia tells him that the problem is with him. Olivia says that Dan won’t admit it, but he is in love with Vanessa.

Olivia is leaving to work on a new movie and Vanessa tells Dan she has no romantic feelings for him. Dan had two girls, now he has none. I want Dan and Vanessa to get together, because now Dan has feelings for Vanessa and Vanessa has always had feelings for Dan. But currently, I’m glad that Olivia and Vanessa have both rejected Dan. His ego needed a bit of a check.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Goodbye Gossip Girl (Temporarily)

Starting January 18, Gossip Girl is going to take a six week break. The premiere of Life UneXpected on The CW will take the place of Gossip Girl during those six weeks. The Gossip Girl season will not be shortened and will resume in March after the hiatus. There will be 11 or 12 more episodes after the six week break beginning January 18.
Six weeks without Gossip Girl will be annoying but maybe the CW hopes that regular Gossip Girl viewers will watch Life UneXpected instead. I probably won’t watch it though. I will just wait for the Gossip Girl season to resume. At least the season isn’t shortened.

There are also rumors of Bart Bass, Chuck's deceased father, returning in an episode of the show. Possibly during a winter episode because it might be something like a ghost from the past in A Christmas Carol. This seems strange to me and I am surprised that there are already rumors about it. It must be pretty interesting if there is already talk about it.

Episode 9, Part 2: Uh Oh, This Could Be Dangerous

Things are heating up…

Serena talked to Trip Van der Bilt, the new congressman, in the last episode and he hires her as part of his staff. Trip never wants to be around Serena and basically pretends that she is not even there. Serena confronts him and he explains that he is attracted to her, but he isn’t allowed to be because he is married. Serena wants to quit, but doesn’t. She and Trip agree to keep things “professional.” I don’t know about you but I’m seeing something like the Bill Clinton scandal in the making.

The other thing that happened last night was the threesome between Dan, Olivia, and Vanessa. This was just disgusting! I totally didn't expect these three. I can see Nate and Chuck doing this, but Dan (aka. Lonely Boy)? Now, Dan has made a mess of things because as shown in the next week’s promo, both Olivia and Vanessa are in love with him and he can only pick one.

Blair and Serena are still fighting so Chuck does what he has to do to make them realize that they need each other. He tricks Blair into going and seeing Serena and they get stuck in the elevator together. Blair calls for operating assistance and Chuck’s voice answers her (I must admit that I actually laughed out loud at this part). Chuck tells the girls that he won’t let them out until they make up. S and B actually do make up and are friends again (at least for now). I find it funny how S and B don’t know how important they are to each other and that it took Chuck’s ingenuity to make them see that.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Episode 9, Part 1: Coming Out On Top

Should Jenny wave the white flag or keep fighting?

This episode of Gossip Girl was completely centered on Jenny Humphrey. She was dying to make her début at the Debutante Ball with the perfect date (Graham). Graham texts Jenny asking if she still needs a date and Eric texts him back saying that Jenny already has a date. Eric wanted his boyfriend to go with Jenny because he sees that Jenny is changing and also because he says Graham is a creep (apparently Graham and Eric went to the same summer camp and Graham did something scandalous). Jenny finds out and calls Graham. It seems as though she is going to be escorted by Graham. Then another girl’s name is called and the announcer says she is being escorted by Graham. Jenny doesn’t even get to walk on the stage. But, awhile later the announcer calls Jenny up on stage with her date (Nate Van der Bilt). Jenny is now the Queen of the ball for having a date like Nate.

I am completely on Jenny’s side in this episode. How could Blair and Eric try to ruin the one chance she gets to come out into society? I’m glad Nate helped Jenny out once again. He is always there when she needs him! I’m glad that Jenny could prove to all her enemies that she can be on top even when they try to ruin her. She showed that she had a strength that the back-stabbing friends of her didn’t. She didn’t need Graham as a date when she could get Nate.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Episode 8, Part 2: Blair vs. Serena

Politics and S and B’s Cold War…

During Tripp’s election party Blair and Serena get into somewhat of a cold war. Serena is still “dating” Patrick Roberts. Blair says she doesn’t want to be friends with Serena anymore so she tries to find a new friend to take to the election party. At the party, Blair shows up with a new friend from NYU who knows all of the politicians. Patrick Roberts gets drunk and Blair has him escorted out, but not before he tells Serena that Blair’s new BFF is a high priced call girl. So Serena gets her escorted out. Blair calls Serena a prostitute for getting paid to date Patrick Roberts and Serena pushes her into the cake! Blair and Serena are obviously still very mature (just kidding)!

I am really sick of Blair and Serena always being in a fight, and when they aren’t fighting (which is unusual) then they are competing with each other. It might be easier if Blair and Serena aren’t friends, but the show wouldn’t be as good. I they will become friends again within the next few episodes.

Another strange thing that happened during the election night was the heart-to-heart between Tripp and Serena when the election was over. I definitely sense something between them!

Episode 8, Part 1: The Problems with Politics

When should you protect your family and when should you turn them in?

The political race in which Tripp Van der Bilt is running is taking place, and Tripp appears to be losing. Nate’s Grandfather talks to Nate and it seems like he is planning something to make Tripp win. Then Nate, Tripp, and Vanessa are walking along near the water and a man in the water appears to be drowning. Tripp dives in and saves him and Vanessa films the incident. Nate wonders whether or not his Grandfather planned the incident. When Vanessa watches the tape back she sees the man who appeared to be drowning jumped in the water on purpose. She tells Nate that she thinks his Grandfather is behind it, but she is still selling the tape to New York 1. Nate tricks Vanessa and cancels the NY1 contract, then sends someone else to pretend to be the NY1 journalist to meet with Vanessa.

I completely understand why Vanessa wanted to send the tape to NY1. She should sell the tape because it was morally wrong for someone to set the incident up, and it will further her career as a film maker. However, I know that family is very important and if I was Nate, I might do the same thing to protect my family.

In the end the tape was released and Tripp won the election. After the elections, allegations about the a setup were announced on TV. Nate took the blame on national television to protect Tripp’s name, saying that Tripp didn’t know it was a setup and is still a hero. The person who set the whole thing up was actually Tripp’s wife! She is so sneaky and power-hungry!