Monday, September 28, 2009

Episode 2, Part 2: There's Nothing Like a Good Friend

Friendships and relationships are made in this episode, even if they do seem unlikely or surprising...

Dan and Vanessa haven’t been speaking to each other but now that they are going to the same college they seem to realize that that is immature. Dan makes up with Vanessa and then does something totally unexpected - he defends Georgina when Blair tries to ruin her party. I admire Dan for sticking up for Georgina because he risked his popularity for her. But since he did the right thing it just made him more popular with the other students because they realized what Blair was trying to do. Sometimes it’s hard to stand up for what is right. There was a girl in my U. S. history class in high school who everyone ignored and made fun of. I got to know her and realized that she was a nice person and just needed someone to talk to. It’s always better to include others and stand up for them than be worried about others think of you for doing it. I like that Gossip Girl showed this because there is so much rivalry and back- stabbing that has occurred in the show that it’s good to see someone not worried about their social status.

Nate and Bree are spending more time together but Bree is keeping it a secret from her family. Bree tells Nate that they will get sick of each other if they are together all the time, but instead the opposite happens. I think that spending a lot of time with a person is a true test to know if you like them or not. I’ve spent time with people I have thought were my friends, only to realize how annoying they were! On the other hand, I have hung out with people that I grew really close to and they became my best friends. When you are around someone enough you see their good and bad sides, but when you meet people for the first time it is hard to tell what they are really like since everyone tries to make a good impression.

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