Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Epsiode 1: Talk About Scandalous

Well it’s the start of a new season of Gossip Girl and the lives of those on the Upper East side during the summer were as interesting as ever…

Nate Archibald meets a girl on a plane trip during the summer who he learns is Bree Buckley, The Buckleys are Nate’s family’s, the van der Bilts, biggest political rival. Nate takes Bree to the van der Bilt family polo event, essentially using her to break ties with the van der Bilt family and show his grandfather that he is his own man. I can’t tell if Nate is into Bree or if he is using her to further outrage his family.

Chuck Bass and Blair say they are playing “love games,” but for Blair it is really no longer a game. Blair seems to be tired of Chuck chasing other girls (I don’t blame her) and tells Chuck the “game” is over. Is it just me, or is the way Chuck talks extremely annoying? He furrows his eyebrows and moves his mouth funny. It gives me the feeling that he looks down on whoever he is talking to.

Dan and his friend Vanessa are having a few issues of their own. Vanessa is annoyed when Dan takes out a designer wallet which is filled with one hundred dollar bills. Then she goes to the polo match and sees him in an expensive suit. She thinks Dan isn’t being himself, even though he can’t help who his Dad was engaged to. I think Vanessa jumped to conclusions. She should have realized that Dan’s family was going through a lot and she needed to give Dan a chance to explain all that has been going on.

Serena is the biggest mystery of all in this episode. The paparazzi won’t leave her alone when she comes back from Europe. Dan finds pictures of Serena partying with a guy in Europe. Rufus is worried that Serena has “gone off the deep end” again. Serena tells everyone she is fine. But then…. Carter Baizen shows up and Serena tells Dan she is being stalked by him. The actor Sebastian Stan, who plays Carter Baizen, is actually Leighton Meester’s (Blair) off- screen boyfriend. Dan and Blair serve Carter a restraining order at the polo match. Blair runs away on a polo pony, Carter follows her, and they make out under the trees. What is going on? Obviously stuff happened between Serena and Carter over the summer that no one knows about yet. It turns out that Blair is just trying to get public attention to get noticied by her father who basically didn’t want to see her over the summer. I think that Blair needs to be careful. She is acting risky to attract the attention of someone who doesn’t really care about her. Blair needs to get over her father!

Next week the friends are off to college. Many shows go down in ratings after the cast graduates because it can be harder to follow the lives of the cast in college. People tend to like high school shows better. But I think Gossip Girl will be just as entertaining when the cast is in college. It will probably be even more interesting.

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