Monday, September 21, 2009

Episode 2, Part 1: Queen Bees and Wannabees

It’s the start of freshman year and...

Blair still wants to be the Queen Bee (who would have thought?) She is excited about being on top in college, just like she was in high school, until she arrives at college and realizes her roommate is Georgina. Georgina is out to socially sabotage Blair. In my opinion, this is ridiculous. As a college freshman myself, I know that when you go into college you cannot have unrealistic expectations and that it takes some time to adjust. It should definitely not be your goal to try to rule over everyone (Blair), or to try to ruin someone else’s life (Georgina).

Meanwhile, Serena is having doubts about going to Brown. She decides not to go to Brown, but to stay with Chuck and keep her secret from her family. It is never good to keep secrets from your parents, especially one this huge. If you are having doubts about something, then the best thing to do is talk to someone who cares about you to figure it out. Serena just let things become a mess before she could tell her family she just wanted to take a year off.

A common trend I noticed in this episode of Gossip Girl is the issue of characters on the show using one another to try to reach their own goals. Blair uses Dan to try and fit in when going to Georgina’s party. Serena uses Chuck to hide from her parents, and then uses Carter to get back at Chuck when he told Rufus about her decision not to go to Brown. The interesting thing about these incidents is that the characters own selfishness led them to hurt themselves and those around them. None of the characters who used other people got what they wanted. They just made the situations a lot more complicated. Instead of being open about the college experience the characters on Gossip Girl saw it as an opportunity to get back at others. This just made them miss out on all the fun and opportunities of college so far.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my, as ridiculous and far-fetched as it sounds, this episode of Gossip Girl hit close to home because my roommate and one other girl from my high school actually attempted to ruin my life by spreading outrageous rumors about me that were not even true, and all this caused my boyfriend to break up with me. I had to move out of my dorm room it got so bad! But yeah, I am so glad i finally got out of the high school drama and am glad I have moved from that awful situation!
