Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Episode 7, Part 1: Trick-or-Treat

Clothes make a statement. Costumes tell a story. ~Mason Cooley

Rufus is really into Halloween. He dresses up, even donning a black wig, and wants to pass out candy even though Lily knows that there will be no trick-or-treaters. Lily actually hires a group of children to act like trick-or-treaters. They even come to the door multiple times after changing costumes. Rufus figures out what Lily has done and laughs about it. He said he appreciated that Lily wanted him to enjoy passing out candy to kids like he did in Brooklyn. I think that this is so cute! Lily and Rufus are finally together and acting the way a couple in love should.

Little J has decided to accept her role as Queen at Constance and is now trying to maintain her status. So when her stepbrother and friend, Eric sits above her and the mean girls on the Met steps it is unacceptable. Jenny orders her minions to dump their yogurt all over Eric, forcing Eric to go home and change clothes. I am disappointed in Jenny. Eric has been a loyal friend to her for so long, why would she jeopardize their friendship for some girls she doesn’t like anyways. I know Jenny is being pressured by Blair and by others to be Queen but she needs to realize what matters more is her friendship with Eric. I think Jenny will somehow make it up to Eric for being so mean to him. She has made mistakes in the past, but she always comes around eventually.

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