Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Episode 4, Part 2: Who Will Rule the School?

Dan and his sister, Jenny, both seem to be facing challenges with others…

After Blair proclaimed that Jenny was the new Queen at Constance since Blair graduated, Jenny realizes she doesn’t want the old hierarchy system. Jenny makes a speech on the Met steps saying that there will be no hierarchy and everyone is equal. Some of the girls tell Blair that Jenny “is ruining everything” and Blair goes into a fury. Personally, I don’t understand why Blair cares if there is a Queen Bee at Constance now that she is gone. Why does it even matter to her who the popular students are? Chuck and Jenny get Blair to back off, but in the end of the episode Jenny is shown order other girls around. Maybe “Little J” has accepted her role as Queen, which kind of disappoints me because Jenny has been one of the more independent characters on Gossip Girl.
Dan meets a girl at a hot dog stand (kind of random) when she lends him the change he needed. The girl is actually a movie star, Olivia Burke (played by Hilary Duff). She tells Dan her name is Kate because she wants to have a “normal college experience” and doesn’t want him to know that she is famous. Dan sees Olivia again and he tells her that she is “refreshingly normal,” and that he hated it when his last girlfriend was always in the spotlight. Olivia thinks that their relationship is over. This seems like a random thing for Dan to say because he never seemed to mind when Serena was the center of attention. It seemed that the writers of Gossip Girl just wanted to add some drama when making Dan and Olivia get together.

1 comment:

  1. So.. I have found it particularly difficult to keep up with your blog, because I get so behind on the show, and I don't want to ruin the episode before I get to watch it! But, I am finally caught up, and I am not too thrilled with how this season is going.. Hillary Duff? I mean, since when is the CW hiring all of Disney channel's cast offs? First Georgina, who has now become a major role, and now Olivia? It's driving me insane!

    & as I've said before, I love the character of Blair Waldorf in the book series, and this show has turned her into suck a petty character. It makes me so sad that they would have a plot line that strays so far from the book.
